The exhibition, curated by Roberta Fuorvia and with the artistic direction of Olmo Amato, featured the stylistically heterogeneous works from the 4th year’s submissions.

The curator explains: “It is fascinating to be able to discuss boundaries, understanding the term in a positive sense. Although they are usually perceived as something negative, boundaries can represent opportunities for definition and discovery.
Martin Heidegger argued that a space is something that is ‘cleared,’ made free, within a boundary. A boundary is not simply the point where something ends, but, as the Greeks observed, it is the place where something begins to exist. Knowing how to navigate within one’s own boundaries or those of photography means understanding a context in relation to oneself, situated within that context.
Our space interacts with others, especially with those who are ‘close’ to us — as Perec reminds us. To realize this, it is necessary to have directed attention, to observe the surrounding world and avoid the feeling of shame for the nothingness that surprises us, preventing us from truly seeing.
In contemporary photography, boundaries are not limits, but starting points for new creative possibilities. And it is in this way that boundaries in photography become catalysts for innovation and creativity.”

Gloria Oyarzabal / Valerio Geraci / Evan Hume / oh_x_d (Camille Reynders) / Henry Schulz / Anton Surov / Zoe Ferrara / XiangFeiTian



28 Piazza di Pietra
Palazzo Ferrini-Cini
Piazza di pietra 28
00186 Roma


Francesca Anfosso