About This Project

Charles Park


My artwork shows the intriguing junkyard, exploring the complex relationship between society’s obsession with material possessions and the overwhelming burden of excessive consumption. I focus on the detrimental effects of an overindulgent lifestyle and the necessity for more. The auto junkyard serves as a poignant metaphor for the excesses of modernity. It is within this chaotic landscape it shows the consequences of mankind’s insatiable desire for more. The overwhelming presence of discarded automobiles, once symbols of status and prosperity, now lie forgotten, rusted, and broken. They represent the transience of material wealth and the harsh reality of obsolescence. By meticulously capturing the intricate details of these decaying relics, it emphasize society’s tendency to accumulate, possess, and subsequently discard. My process involves capturing the textures and patterns within each discarded car, highlighting the unique beauty that emerges when objects are left to decay and surrender to the destructive forces of time.

8th edition