About This Project

Chris Mann


In the moment just before the sun disappears beyond a horizon line, people have recalled witnessing a mystical flash of light. Photographer Chris Mann refers to the visual territory filling the void of such phenomena as the ‘Interzone.’ It exists on the cusp of abstraction, the subjective space between reality and imagination, and the oscillations between universal dichotomies – the natural and man-made, ephemeral and timeless, light and dark. ‘Interzone’ depicts Mann’s ongoing body of work and approach to photography; visually distilling the space around him. Enigmatic subjects traverse the viewer’s imagination, summoning new visual dialogues and possibilities in a reality unbound by time or place. Artist statement: “For me, Photography is all about imagination. I want to use the medium to continually challenge my interpretation of the world around me, and explore the visual possibilities at the interzones of its dichotomies. The darkroom is a crucial and meditative part of this creative process. It’s where I continue to discover the coalescent thread in my work, and explore the relationships between the images I create.”



8th edition