About This Project

Davide Esposito


The three images submitted are part of the project “On the Third Day”. This project is a symbolist narration of Genesis that explores the moment reality detached from the realm of metaphysics, creating its own boundary in space/time. The images represent the creation of the planet Earth and Humankind. The story is a dream about Genesis, whispered in the deepest nights on the shores of a mysterious island. The portrayal of Genesis illustrates how the light shapes the sky, the rocks and the oceans. “On the Third Day” is entirely shot at night. This lighting allows me to shape reality, focusing on how to achieve my vision in camera. This approach closely connects to my artistic process and technique. All of my images are realized on the field, with minimal post-processing. This project also explores the unbalanced fight between light and darkness. With the former forever piercing and defeating the latter, but neither of them has meaning without the other, representing the free will God has given us within our consciousness as humans.



8th edition