About This Project

Eva Gjaltema


The photo-collage series Hiding/Hidden represents a critical examination of the societal constraints that have historically inhibited women’s opportunities to express their talents. Utilizing cutouts from 80-year-old German Cinema magazines, Gjaltema synthesizes visual art with social commentary, crafting a nuanced portrayal of female self-perception and societal expectations. Her work contributes to ongoing discourses surrounding gender and identity, presenting a complex visual narrative that resonates within both historical and contemporary contexts. The series was nominated for the Hariban Award 2022; shortlisted for Les Boutographies 2023, Hellerau Photography Award 2023, BBA Photo prize 2023, Critical Mass Top 50 2023. The Series was featured at Revue Colle, Der Greif, Art Doc Magazine, Create! Magazine, Humble Arts Foundation, F-stop Magazine.



8th edition