About This Project

NurBruno Fausti


The project with which I would like to participate in the passepartout photo prize has as its theme the depersonalisation of the human being in the digital world. Through a series of portraits, I tried to transform, deform or hide the true features of the subjects’ faces, making them unrecognisable. Since the face is the real element of recognition of a body, it is precisely through its tampering that I wanted to create new entities, also tying in with the theories enunciated by Freud regarding the concept of the uncanny. These new entities are the perturbing bodies of the digital world. Empty, transformed, sometimes monstrous bodies. They are, in the words of the characters in Canadian director David Cronenberg’s films, the ‘new flesh’. In the society of the net, of the media and especially of social networks, we are little by little losing the conception of the person as a living being, capable of feeling or experiencing emotions. The human being, the tangible being, is gradually disappearing to make way for the digital being. A being composed of codes and sequences of numbers in series, but lacking everything that makes the human being such (passions, emotions, drives, etc., etc.). These photos represent the feeling of alienation and disquiet I feel at seeing how people are now engulfed by the new technologies that are gradually overwhelming human beings in the name of progress that is becoming faster and faster, more and more chaotic, and towards which we cannot keep up.



8th edition