About This Project

Oleg Leynov, Ilya Rachlis


Daily life continues to shape itself within the digital framework. The tools through which we perceive the world around us create a new relationship between humans and the environment. In our proposal, we want to raise the question of the relationship between artificial and humans and authenticity of the photographic language in a digital media age. This work is a critical research project of a collective of photographers assembled in the same field of exploration and with very similar visual approaches. Creating symbiosis from our images and styles allows us to rethink the idea of personal style and uniqueness nowadays. The work examines the emergence of various artefacts and structures in the urban environment in the context of AI technologies. These constructions are combinations of industrial products and organic residues of vital activity. All that is thrown into the urban environment is processed by it and synthesized in the form of hybrids of public and private, organic and inorganic, intimate and political. Each time they are reassembled anew from different materials in different combinations. The generation of these hybrids in a modern city works like this: a new structure is created from the many forms stored in its “memory”. It has no analogues in the past, but at the same time, it consists entirely of already existing elements. What is new here is their combination—the hybrid itself, but not the “genetically” different forms from which it was created. Image and text generation works in the same way. The resulting constructions change over time, grow or degrade, but these “mutations” are predictable and seem to be attributed initially to the “code” of the environment itself. In this submission we present a part of our project – AI generated images as a result of mixing two photos from each of us, and the “parent” photos itself.




8th edition