About This Project

Saenger Caspar


About my work My longstanding engagement with photography has shown me that in photography we repeatedly encounter the simultaneity of actually contradictory circumstances: the photograph shows us movement by stopping the moment and turning a split second into eternity. At the same time, this image can bring things closer to us and at the same time point out that they are missing. Fragments are broken out of reality by the detail and yet the photograph makes this fragment appear as a picture as something whole again. These contradictions of the photographic medium as a media-reflective problem is the starting point of my work. The title “Ferner” (2022) means “glacier” in German dialect and is a synonym for “beyond”. The photo shows a steel model of an imaginary mountain range in the trunk of a car, through the windshield you can see the mountain range of a real mountain range, so the image moves like a photo between distance and proximity, model and reality. As objects occupy an important space in the pictures, my photographs are printed on Aludibond panels in a 1:1 ratio to the objects depicted.



8th edition