About This Project

Suzette Luiken


In the hush of silence, I find my canvas, where models become more than mere subjects—they embody a sense of stillness, a profound calm amidst the chaos of our fast-paced world. Bathed in the soft glow of daylight, they stand as timeless monuments to elegance and grace. In an age dominated by the frenetic energy of social media, I choose to defy the current, to slow down and revel in the quiet beauty that surrounds us. My photography is a rebellion against the incessant rush, a call to pause and truly see and hear one another. The garments adorning the girls I photograph speak of a bygone era, of classic styles that transcend the whims of fashion trends. Each piece is carefully selected to evoke a sense of nostalgia, a longing for the simplicity and refinement of days gone by. Through my lens, I invite you to join me in this sanctuary of stillness, where time seems to stand still and the only movement is the gentle sway of fabric in the breeze. Together, let us embrace the power of quietude, and rediscover the beauty of connection in a world that never stops to listen.



8th edition